Fun Kiddie Parties on a Budget

Fun Kiddie Parties on a Budget

Throwing a party is always fun. Especially if it is a party for kids! As much as we want to throw a lavish party for our little one, sometimes the budget just won’t approve. Here are birthday party tips to steer your boat away from being a party pooper!

1.  Under promise, but over deliver.

First off, be honest with your child and set expectations. Explain to him or her the real status of your finances. Young as they are, they will understand. This is much better than making promises and ending up breaking them when they are not met. Do take note of what your child really likes. Ask him or her about the things they want to have in their party in case “budget” is not an issue. Who knows, at the end of all your preps you might have some extras and be able to rent that bouncy castle for your little princess!



2. Be resourceful.

As soon as you have decided on a theme for the party, start scouting for the materials that you will need. Ask family and friends for help. There are things that they might have lying around the house that is useful for your party. If you need a clown, a magician, or a princess to host the party, a relative may be glad to do it for you. All you need to do is ask around!



3.       DIY decors!

There are lots and lots and lots of do-it-yourself projects for kiddie parties available online. Some of the materials need not be bought too. If you are planning to have a sailor themed party, go beyond the norm and do a Huckleberry Fin inspired motif and use newspaper as party hats and make paper boats for décor. Having a Frozen theme for your little girl? Search your attic for boxes which you can trace snowflakes on. Cut out, cover with white paint and silver glitters, then hang! You can also make buntings from old colorful pages of magazines or cloths. Choose cloths with bright and fancy print to keep everything lively. The internet has a lot of DIY ideas, everything is basically at your fingertips for these projects! Be sure that the colors and your decors are related to your theme. Oh, be sure you have ample time to finish everything in time for the birthday!