DIY Storage Ideas for Your Small Home

DIY Storage Ideas for Your Small Home

One daily struggle of a self-confessed hoarder is finding a free space in the house where new purchases can be stored. A small room would always present a big problem. The scarcity of space would often leave one with no choice but to pile up things on top of each other. Utter clutter madness! Just where is that curling iron when you need it? Where is the other pair of your favorite pumps?

What is going on in your room? Scratch your head no more as we have these simple tips you can do to scrimp on space and organize your room just like a pro!

1.       Shoes in a Box.

For this project you will need boxes and a handy camera. Your mobile phone’s camera should suffice. Survey your stack of shoes. Check how many pairs you have and take note of their style. Head on to a craft store and look for printed boxes to contain your shoes. Be sure that the size is big enough to fit each pair. Once you have this, take a picture of each pair of shoes. Have these printed and stick to a box. You might want to throw in a small pack of silica gel to keep it crisp. Storing shoes in boxes will help extend their use as it keeps dust away. Stack them up neatly in a corner.



2.       Hook Up.

To avoid getting those necklaces and other accessories entangled, go to a hardware store and buy a box of hooks. Drill holes onto the opposite side of your wooden cabinet’s door and hang those jewelries. Your dresser drawer will thank you for the fix.



3.       Pipe Racks.

So, you moved out of the house and into your new hobbit hole. Problem is, there are no cabinets to store in your precious clothes! Buying one would even make your living quarters smaller than that of a mouse’s. What do you do? Pipe it! Here’s a clever D.I.Y from A Beautiful Mess to give your clothes a new home!



4.       Floating Shelves.

Books! How can you ever live without them? If you love books and at the same time have a habit of hoarding, chances are, your flat will be filled with chapters and pages all around! Getting a bulky bookshelf is sometimes expensive, not to mention the enormous space it will eat. You even have to dust it every now and then. A drill, a bunch of screws, and an old hardbound will help make your life easier in creating new homes for your books.

5.       Magic Magnets.

Who knew magnets can be pretty useful in making storage? Especially for women who have tons of things on their dresser, this hack is definitely brilliant. All you need are aluminum trays fastened to a wall, a fancy cloth for cover, magnets to be attached to the back of your cosmetics—and voila! Instant storage! Easy on the eyes too! You do not have to rummage through your drawers or makeup pouch just to find that perfect shade of blush.



6.       Baskets and Bins.

If you have a bed that has space underneath, plastic boxes are just right for storage. Be sure to purchase the right size that will be easy to pull out from under the bed. You can store your bed covers and pillow cases in the containers for easy access when you need to change sheets.




7.       Jars and Mugs.

Recycle those mayonnaise or peanut butter jars and turn them into additional storage for your office supplies. Jars with lids are great for keeping paper clips, erasers, pins, or even loose change. Old mugs are great for organizing your pens, colored pencils, and crayons. You can also use these in your bathroom by storing your toothbrushes and other personal things.


8.       Pocket Organizers.

For socks, underwear, snail mails, or just about anything that could actually fit in, pocket organizers come in very handy in saving up space. These can be hanged on the wall or at the back of doors. Organizers such as this is available everywhere. If you are crafty, you can sew one with the use of your old jeans. Here’s how to courtesy of Instructables!


9.       Lug It In.

After all the unpacking, a luggage would usually be stored somewhere until it is needed for use. Why not take it from the back of your closet and put it into good use? In case it is old enough and has seen its wear and tear, do not discard it yet. Revive it by placing stands and make it into a small table with additional storage space!


10.   Storage Chairs.

Rather than buying Ikea chairs, checkout these chic DIY storage chairs from Sawdust Girl. The benches are perfectly cushioned, you can personalize them according to the cloth patterns you choose.
