Top 10 Great Benefits of Cardio

Top 10 Great Benefits of Cardio

A large number of people often view cardio as just a way to lose weight or something that only athletes do. In fact, even for people who regularly go to the gym, cardio is often seen as just something that you need to burn off excess calories, and not really an essential part in your training. More often than not, cardio exercises are skipped or downright ignored.

There are numerous health benefits to doing cardio, and for some people, this exercise has turned from hobby into a passion.

A large number of people often view cardio as just a way to lose weight or something that only athletes do. In fact, even for people who regularly go to the gym, cardio is often seen as just something that you need to burn off excess calories, and not really an essential part in your training. More often than not, cardio exercises are skipped or downright ignored.

There are numerous health benefits to doing cardio, and for some people, this exercise has turned from hobby into a passion.

Weight Loss


Cardio is the most popular and probably the best way to manage one’s weight. During cardio, your body burns more calories compared to doing strength or other anaerobic exercises. Those  calories you’re burning off will lead to the shedding of fat and make you lose weight.

Improved Mood

Physical improvement isn’t the only thing cardio helps you with, it can also help you manage your stress and improve your overall mood. The feeling of having completed some rounds and sweated it out will help you sleep better, reduce stress, anxiety and depression.

Improved Recovery

For people who go to the gym or perform strenuous activity, doing cardio will help your body’s overall recovery. Light cardio sessions can help strip off the by-products your body produces  during your workout or training. More oxygen rich blood will mean a reduction in the DOMS  (delayed onset of muscle soreness) you will experience.