Walls of Expression: A Global Tour of Street Art Masterpieces

Walls of Expression: A Global Tour of Street Art Masterpieces

Dublin, Ireland

There are just so many facts about the capital of Ireland. It is over a 1,000 pubs in Dublin, the remains of St. Valentine, the patron saint of love, are in the city’s Whitefriar Street Carmelite Church, the Guiness Brewery can be found here, and the largest park in Europe, the Phoenix Park is here, among others.



Credits to Oliver Ross www.chocolate-fish.net




Lisbon, Portugal

Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, has some of the world’s fascinating street artworks apart from being Europe’s Most Scenic Capital.  With graffiti being on its walls for decades, authentic artworks can be found in public places—no need to go to abandoned areas to satisfy your eyes with amazing wall arts.




Credits to messagez.com