8 Books to Beat a Broken Heart

8 Books to Beat a Broken Heart

Once upon a time, there was a girl. Or a boy. It depends who the reader of this article is. Yes, once. You were madly in love and it felt like it was going to be forever. Until that fateful day. Was it by  the curb on a dark and snowy day? In a café, over a cup of coffee and the buzzing noise of the traffic outside? Or perhaps, the cruelest of all, over a phone call or a text message? However it was done, doesn’t really matter. The aftermath has crept its way into your heart, buries itself in a hole and starts tugging at all the strings unleashing a different kind of emotion that turns your once colorful world into black and white.

Am I ever going to survive this heartbreak? You ask.

Fear not! Here are 8 books to get you back on track!

1.  This is How You Lose Her – Junot Diaz

Pulitzer Prize winning author, Junot Diaz, takes us to a set of stories revolving around the life Yunior. The narrative revolves around the protagonist’s yearning for true love, despite being stubborn and irresponsible. His relationships end up being thrown away and he finds himself alone, nursing heartache. The book exposes man’s countless weaknesses in the search for love.