2015 Forbes’ Richest Men Alive

Rank #1: Bill Gates

With a net worth of  $72.9 billion, Bill Gates is once again the richest person on the planet, a title he’s held for 16 years. He recaptured the top spot last year after a four-year home run by Mexico’s Carlos Slim Helu being the #1.

Between 2013 and 2014, Gates’ wealth shoot up all the more by $15 billion. Uhuh! In a span of 1 year. Who makes that much money? Well, he does!

What about the Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and Google guys, Larry Page and Sergey Brin?

Mark Zuckerberg ranked #16 with  $33.4 billion, not bad for a 30-year old wiz! Larry ($29.7 billion)  and Sergey ( $29.2 billion) ranked #19 and 20 consecutively.

For the most complete ranking visit Forbes 2015 List!