2015 Forbes’ Richest Men Alive

Rank #8: Christy Walton

Oh, yes! That’s another Walton.

You might be thinking how many Walton’s are there that made to the list. So, Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart spawn 4 children, the eldest was Rob, next was John, 3rd was our rank #9, Jim and the youngest of all is Alice Walton.

Now, you must be thinking who is Christy? Christy Walton is the widow of the 2nd son of Wal-Mart’s founder. She inherited his husband’s $18.2 fortune in June 2005.

According to the Forbes list, Christy Walton is the 8th richest person in the world with a net worth of $41.7 billion, and 6th richest in the United States.