Samurai Robot Does Exist and Beats Japanese Master Samurai

Samurai Robot Does Exist and Beats Japanese Master Samurai

Technology .. Yes! We can’t live without it and it seems to be advancing every minute of everyday. In today’s society, we know how important technology is for all us and some people would probably understand why it is both a blessing and a curse. In just a snap it became a huge part of our lives.

As technology improves, one of the things that are already a tremendous help to us are the robots. Robots will be (are) everywhere and they will be used in many more applications. We use many of them today in automotive, heavy equipment and industrial applications. Basically, aside from they are built for war and control, robots are supposed to save humans from doing work.
Japan is well known for its electronics industry throughout the world and is one of the leading nations in the fields of scientific research, technology, machinery and medical research. Their electronic products account for a large share in the world market.

Yaskawa Electronics introduces robot MOTOMAN-MH24 that is said to replicate human capabilities. The robot was put to test against Isao Machii, a 5- time world record holder in the art of iaijyutsu, a combative quick-draw sword technique.

The robot Motoman-mh24 first learns the movement from Machii, through its motion capture, sensors and human programming before performing the different cuts of swordplay.

The video below shows Motoman-MH24 and Machii perform different cuts of swordplay. Watch and be the judge on who did it better.