8 Tips to a Cozy Home Office

8 Tips to a Cozy Home Office

Times have changed. As most of the world has become acquainted to the World Wide Web, some companies have resorted to cut back on expenses and hire their workforce online. This means letting go of office spaces that incur monthly costs on lease. With the rise of online based jobs, more and more professionals have begun to work from home. If you are one of the many who have chosen this career path, good for you! This means no daily commute! And having the liberty to work in your pajamas anytime you want!

Working from the comfort of your home has its perks, however being too comfortable at times (like doing your deliverables in bed) may have its downsides also. Thus, it is highly recommended that you a lot a space for your home office. It doesn’t have to be a huge one, a corner with a desk and all the equipment you need is enough. If you don’t have one yet or your current office needs an upgrade, here are 10 tips to follow to get that cozy ambiance that would help boost your productivity.

1.  Space matters.

Survey your home and look for a location suited for your working space. Consider the daily tasks you have at hand and see whether the place you have chosen would be able to cater to the flow of your work. Does your work entail meeting guests? If so, find a spot where you can receive them without having to give them a tour of your home. Are you easily distracted? A room in the attic or basement may work for you. If you live in a pad, room dividers might do the trick. The goal is to eliminate the things that might cause you to look away from the work you need to do.


 (via decoist.com)

2. Light bulb moment.

Lighting is very important. Be sure that your home office is well lit. Having windows are a great way to let natural light come in to your office, setting off a warm feel. When working at night, be sure you have ample lighting so as not to strain your eyes.

(via liftupthyneighbor.com)


3.    All about the furniture.

A desk or chair’s aesthetic may be adorable, but do check if it will be able to serve its purpose efficiently before you buy it. You will be in your home office for a long period of time, be sure that you are able to do everything comfortably. Capitalize on furniture that is both attractive and practical.

(via cdn.freshome.com)