Stay Positive and Motivated

Stay Positive and Motivated

Develop a sense of humor

The best way to develop a sense of humor? Enjoy the things that make you laugh or smile. If you feel sad or depressed, think about something that made you laugh a lot in the past. But bear in mind that good humor is not all about just laughing at other people all the time, you also need to learn to laugh at yourself, pinching in a joke at the right time (sarcasm brings out a good humor, too), look for a good laugh everyday, and laugh even at death. After all, one way to deal with being down is to laugh at it.



Credits to wiseGEEK




Get enough sleep

This is one of the most important things to consider, not only when you want to stay motivated and positive. But in everyday. A good amount of sleep is essential to keep you will power high because during your sleep, the body builds muscles and refreshes for the activities for the following day.




Eat right

Simple, right food sends energy to the brain to keep you awake and motivated.