Mother and Son without Arms Proves Anything is Possible

Mother and Son without Arms Proves Anything is Possible

Having a disability is in no way bad or wrong.  Persons with disabilities are unique individuals and they should accept their disabilities as it is part of who they are. Things may be hard but it shouldn’t make them feel lesser a person. It is not their fault and they didn’t ask for it.

Linda Bannon,35, and her son, Timmy ,9, were born with Holt-Oram syndrome.  It is a rare condition that is characterized by skeletal abnormalities of the hands and arms and heart problems as well.
Both Linda and Timmy were born without arms but they do not let their disability get in the way of them living a normal life, using their feet in place of their hands.

Despite having this disability and bullied when she was young, Linda never fails to passed on her inspirational and positive attitude to Timmy. Timmy can also do normal stuff like swimming, Taekwondo and even plays video games like any other kids while Linda can put on make-up and even sew clothes using her feet.

This video definitely proves that nothing can hinder you from doing whatever you want as long as you have the determination and a positive attitude towards life.