15 Of The Oddest Sports Ever Created

15 Of The Oddest Sports Ever Created

Volcano Boarding

Volcano Boarding also known as volcano surfing is a sport performed on volcano slopes in Western Nicaragua. They race down the Cerro Negro Volcano dressed in heat protected equipment. They race down the face of the active volcano at speeds of 80 kilometers an hour using a special surf board.

PIC BY CARLOS EDUARDO MELO DE OLIVEIRA / CATERS NEWS - Forget snowboarding, these daredevils have found a MAGNA-ificent way to stay active this winter by sledging down an ACTIVE VOLCANO. The extreme sport, known as volcano boarding, sees thousands of thrill seekers race down the Cerro Negro volcano in Nicaragua, Central America each year. Wearing little more than a jumpsuit and goggles for protection, daredevils can careen down the 726m high ashy slope in less than 20 seconds at speeds of up to 60mph. SEE CATERS COPY

VOLCANO BOARDING..CERRO NEGRO, NICARAGUA: A boarder makes his way down the volcano.....What do you do when you have snowboarded down all of the mountains that Europe and North America have to offer? Head to Nicagua and board a volcano! Cerro Negro, (726 meters) is Central America's youngest volcano and has been one of the most active volcanoes in Nicaragua...The Bigfoot Hostel in Leon offers it's guests a trip to hike to the top of the volcano and then board the 500m down at speeds of up to 80kmh!....PHOTOGRAPHY BY BIGFOOT HOSTEL / BARCROFT MEDIA LTD ..+ 44 (0) 845 370 2233..www.barcroftmedia.com....UK Office, London...T +44 845 370 2233..W www.barcroftmedia.com....Australasian & Pacific Rim Office, Melbourne...E info@barcroftpacific.com..T +613 9510 3188 or +613 9510 0688..W www.barcroftpacific.com....Indian Office, Delhi...T +91 997 1133 889..W www.barcroftindia.com mail_sender "Pictures" mail_subject All rounder images from Barcroft Media mail_date 7 May 2009 09:17:27 +0100 mail_body Barcroft Media, Unit 9, 14 Southgate Road, London N1 3JJ, United Kingdom - UK +44 (0)845 370 2233 | ABROAD +44 (0)20 7923 1827 Email: pictures@barcroftmedia.com Web: http://www.BarcroftMedia.com



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